Monday, April 12, 2010

Texas Stadium Imploded

The Texas Stadium in Irving was turned into nothing but dust and rubble on Sunday, April 11th. With just a push of a button, the dynamite in the stadium imploded; taking down the stadium in about 30 seconds.
This may seem as no big deal to some, but to others it was a place where their biggest dreams and memories were created.
Texas Stadium belonged to America's team; the Dallas Cowboys. While in that stadium, the Cowboys won five Superbowl titles and also started the infamous "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." The Cowboys played 38 seasons of football there and had a winning record of 213-100.
Fans of the Cowboys paid $25 to watch the implosion from their cars and see a remarkable yet devastating sight.
People like my father and I lived and died by this particular stadium. So many memorable games, players, coaches and owners came from this stadium and set numerous records. This stadium, as well as its legacy, will live on forever. As former Cowboy receiver Drew Pearson said, "They can blow it up, implode it, dynamite it — but they can't take away the memories created there."